Mystery Management is a national hospitality specialist service offering a suite of services and products to help operators optimise their business opportunities.

Their key services include:

  • Mystery Shopping: following a site visit by a Mystery Management secret shopper, who inspects and engages with every aspect of the venue, the operator is presented with a comprehensive report on everything observed, including description of each staff member, summary of customer demographics per area, a scorecard on every part of the venue, images, a summary of the overall score and explanation behind each rating
  • Mystery Shopping – website and telephone
  • Compliance Checks: available in multiple topics, including the new COVID Compliance App, which is a checklist-style system allowing operators to add any number of things deemed currently relevant to running the venue
  • Customer Satisfaction: action plans to improve efficiency and service
  • Unique Software – available to MM clients free of charge, such as: Live Shift reports, which provides information on number of guests, shift changes and incidents, with the option of including incremental takings figures, allowing ongoing updates throughout a day; and the QR code application, allowing venues to gather customer information, and/or provide online menu ordering
  • Action Plan: a system managing that once a licensee has read and accepted a report, they must fill out an online document detailing their action plan for improvements. Subsequent MM service reports will point out changes and improvements

Trading restrictions in venues may be in place in some form for some time and customers, atop being somewhat tentative in venturing out, are likely to be more discerning that usual. This means now is a time to consider a focus on new customer acquisition and retention, and what Mystery Management principal Louise Heffernan calls “the best customer experience possible” and the essentials of hospitality.

“I’ve been seeing a trend during the month of June where some staff members don’t know if they are coming or going. Do they clean? Do the serve? Are they explaining the temporary restrictions properly? Are they still displaying a welcoming demeanour or are they now more concerned with wiping things down and keeping people apart?

“It’s actually a battle for the venue to keep a healthy balance right now. Now is the most critical time to be ensuring your venue is giving the best and safest experience for their customers.”


Source: Pubtic Magazine – July 2020